Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Search Engines...

...don't talk to me about search engines. What we need is a 'find' engine (and yes, I did coin that phrase before started using it...but I probably can't prove it!).

What am I talking about? Well, the simple thing is, few of us are actually very keen on searching for anything. If I have misplaced my wallet, I have no vested interest in the search process itself, but in finding the wallet. Hopefully still full of cash and credit/debit cards! OK, I'll concede that in searching I may stumble upon something worthwhile. The pound coin down the back of the sofa, the album under the pile of stuff gathering on my desk or whatever. But essentially all I need is to find my wallet. On the web I have found all sorts of discoveries whilst looking for something else. This can be fun 'surfing' the web. But often to the detriment of the actual task in hand.

I think a true 'find' engine is years away - one that knows whether you're looking for a car or a fictional character when you search for 'Ford Prefect'. The subtlety of human communication is way beyond current AI computer capabilities. But boy, if I could crack the 'how' of that one, I'm sure my fortune would finally find me!

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