Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Search Engines...

...don't talk to me about search engines. What we need is a 'find' engine (and yes, I did coin that phrase before started using it...but I probably can't prove it!).

What am I talking about? Well, the simple thing is, few of us are actually very keen on searching for anything. If I have misplaced my wallet, I have no vested interest in the search process itself, but in finding the wallet. Hopefully still full of cash and credit/debit cards! OK, I'll concede that in searching I may stumble upon something worthwhile. The pound coin down the back of the sofa, the album under the pile of stuff gathering on my desk or whatever. But essentially all I need is to find my wallet. On the web I have found all sorts of discoveries whilst looking for something else. This can be fun 'surfing' the web. But often to the detriment of the actual task in hand.

I think a true 'find' engine is years away - one that knows whether you're looking for a car or a fictional character when you search for 'Ford Prefect'. The subtlety of human communication is way beyond current AI computer capabilities. But boy, if I could crack the 'how' of that one, I'm sure my fortune would finally find me!
I'm entering a competition from Heartinternet

Great idea! When I first trained as a computer programmer, back in the early eighties, it was assumed I would be working on Mainframes. By mere chance the job I took meant I worked with the new-kid-on-the-block IBM PC. Since then I've ended up working almost exclusively with PCs throughout my professional life, but have always lusted after Apple Macs. Unfortunately they have always been out of my price range.

It would be ironic that so late in the day (when my career is almost over?) if I were finally to become an Apple-ist! To win this would make a real difference to me.