Tuesday, August 15, 2006

If we only had control it would be so much better...

...or would it?

Like many companies in our position we outsource our hosting. We use a small firm who specialise in that field and charge reasonable rates for the service. Today, the server went down, which happens occasionally. There is no such thing as 100% availability, but after an hour we're starting to feel the pain.

"I know, let's build our own server and connect it to the web, that way we'll have control". Ah, but the trouble is, all that means is instead of busily writing this blog and all the other things I need to do I would be slaving over a hot computer trying to resuscitate it. Having control is somewhat illusory - stuff happens when we least expect it and whatever control we may have is no guarantee we can use it effectively.

A long time ago a friend once said to me "I'm a great believer in people doing what they're good at". Quite. So, for the time being at least, I'll let them worry about the problem with the server, and now I'll go and build another website.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

What's all this blogging that's going on?

Who cares what I think about anything? I honestly don't know, but I guess this could be a place to get things off my chest. Maybe I'll be the only one reading this, but who knows....

...there might be the odd gem placed here!